Tuesday 10 March 2009

The wrong end of the stick on communism?

The wrong end of the stick on Communism?

When the Communist Manifesto was released in 1848, true Communism was born. But since then, there was a huge war which arguably destroyed Communism. This war was the cold war.

After the Russian Revolution of 1918, Vladimir Lenin was in charge of Russia and made it into a communist state. After Lenin's death, Joseph Stalin chased out Leon Trotsky with the use of the KGB. Trotsky was one of Lenin's main men, a man who wanted the whole world to become communist. Stalin became leader and was probably the worse in history (including Hitler), Stalin often killed millions for one reason or other. He once killed his doctor, because the doctor diagnosed him with paranoia. Stalin was a disgrace to Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels (the authors of the Communist Manifesto).


In 1959, the Cuban revolution had been won by Fidel Castro, who threw over the government of Fulgencio Batista. A small percentage of Castro's government consisted of: Raul Castro(who later became leader) , Che Guevara (right) and Fidel Castro . In 1961 Fidel gave Cuba arguably the truest form of Communism the world has ever seen. The people were getting paid the same wage, there were no poor or rich people. Or in Marx's words, no Bourgeois or proletarians.

Stereotypical Communism

In modern society possibly due to propaganda, when people think about Communism, often they will think about the Stalin raign of Russia instead on Castro's true example of Communism.

Why I think that is.

The capitalist governments of the west, gave/give propaganda to people, anti-communist propaganda to the country's people. And it's our job to deceiver what is propaganda.

A overall conclusion on communism

Over time the view of communism has changed for the worst, and it is our job to know what true communism is, and what isn't.

By Mark Newton.