Saturday 20 November 2010

The Expert at The Card table

When an unknown author (the name he put on the book, S.W Erdnase appears to be an alias) published his book on card cheating, few at the time could predict its effect on card magic and cheating everywhere. In this blog (from now on) I hope to detail my work on Erdnases's writings and perhaps add details, tutorials and comments on my own work and that of Erdnase. I would also like to write about legends of card magic (the likes of John Scarne, Dai Vernon and Ricky Jay).

Friday 13 August 2010

The future of Cricket.

We all know that Test cricket is diving to deep dark depths of popularity, such of which have never been witnessed before. The rising of the IPL and other forms of Cricket are destroying what used to be widely considered the main form of the game. But is it just other forms of the game which is killing the serene scene of a test match? Are there other culprits involved?
In the opinion of this writer, there is TOO MUCH of the Test game being played, particulary by England. Hampshire in fact released Kevin Pietersen, of whom when on form is one of the game's best batsmen in the world because he is on England duty too much. And who blames them, they're paying the wage of a player who plays in a game once in a blue moon. There is also another problem being arisen by the overly big ammount of International games which is that spectators see that County games are just a feeding system for Countries to develop players instead of actual competition. Up until the early 1990s this wasn't a problem.
Are pitches too good for batsmen? The average test score is now about 270. As opposed to the advantageous pitches for bowlers in years gone by. This is making "dramatic matches" something of a rarity. Also rarely the bowler dominates the batsmen, which is causing less excitement in the game.
The lack of any seriousness being taken into series other than the Ashes is a huge problem.
So what awaits the test game? In the opinion of this writer, the only way Test cricket will survive is by the death of Twenty20. The ICC needs to be willing to pull something out of the fire to give life to Test Cricket. But if a knight in shining armour doesn't arrive, there will always be the Ashes...

Saturday 22 May 2010

English work

{Paragraph}As the huge winds rocked the plane, screams of terror filled the Aircraft. William Le Queux realised that the pilots had lost all control of the situation. Suddenly, an enormous fireball came from the cock-pit and ran down the aisle of the plane. Le Quexe was terrified . He sensed the dark eternity of death was going to enclose upon him. The fireball had torn seats and passengers out of their original places . The corageous Le Queux walked in the rocking plane and began to help the injured passengers. After rearranging the shirt of an elderly passenger into a sling for him arm, he went into the opposite aisle. He saw a disturbing sight. He saw a mother and her baby beside each other, dead. Le Queux realised all of his efforts were in vain. The sorrow was unbearable, but Le Queux knew he would have to try and survive. Le Queux decided to go back to his seat. He did so but found a body lying there. Le Quexe checked for a pulse... she was dead. Something hit the horoic William Le Queux on the back of the headand knocked him unconsious. He soon woke up in somewherehe had never been before.
{Paragraph}A cold chill of water rising on Le Queux woke him up. Le Queux then stood up with a sense of dread going through him. He said to himself "Where am I going to go? What will I do ? Where am I?" He looked all around himself. Infront of him was the icely cold ocean and behind him were the green tree-tops of a jungle. A harsh but true realisation hit him. He realised that most if not all of the other passengers met their deaths on the plane. A tear streamed down the face of this man of whom was stripped of all defences physically and mentally. Le Queux sat on the cold, wet sand and started to cry.
{Paragraph}Ten minutes later, the now weak and fragile William Le Queux climbed to his feet and began to walk around the beach. Le Queux knew that the main objective for him was to survive. Le Queux was a man of fine figure with jet black hair and a scar down the throat. William didn't want to enter the jungle because it was approaching evening and he didn't want to get lost. So instead he began to collect wood from the sae shore, withe intention of making a shelter. Suddenly an enormous cry from what sounded like a big Cat echoed beyon the jungle. A large Raccoon ran out of the trees. Out of instinct he threw the sharpest peice of wood at it. The shot was good thought Le Queux. The wood had peirced the eye of the animal and killed it. He picked the inanimate animal and made shelter with sticks. Le Queux then then made afire which he used to cook the Raccoon. After eatin it, he went into the tent he made with sticks and his clothing and went to sleep.